Blog Promotion

In this segment of my website, I will present my findings from my extensive research on methods to expand my blog.

While creating my personalised website, I came across some useful tools that ideas that may be useful when advertising my blog to the public. Of course the most popular method would be through the use of social media.

I also stumbled upon a very interesting blog which gave some excellent pointers on expanding the traffic visiting my blog. I suppose the main thing that stood out to me is the suggestion to publish content that my target audience would want to read. This meant that I had to identify my desired target audience therefore I decided to write about the most popular sport in the world. Another suggestion was to monitor trends and write newsworthy content therefore I decided combine both of these suggestions and write about the global pandemic and its ongoing effect on football.

Here is the link for this blog:

Codeinwp projected similar advice to the reader to keep the content relevant and to only upload the best possible content. Although this takes a lot of effort and mental strength, I can say from my own experience of blogging that it is in fact so rewarding and satisfying.

As a result of my research, I concluded that first impressions are crucial in a blog. There are many different tools available to the user to enhance their blog visually, mainly coming under the heading themes. As you can see in my screenshot below, there are many different themes made available upon creating a blog. I still remain unconvinced with regards to the most attractive theme to use however they each are designed beautifully so who cares in the end!

I also took this advice on wisely…I consistently ensure that I include relevant links where possible..

Here you go!Try this!

Let’s see if it works!

Overall I have come to the conclusion that there are a number of ways to promote your blog, either through free mediums or through paid subscriptions.

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