5 blogs I found interesting

1)Ciarán Murphys blog on streaming services:


How to Sample Each of the Premium Streaming Services for Free ...

This blog provides interesting and relevant content, especially when we as humans of the world have a responsibility to try halt the spread of this contagious virus by staying at home therefore to occupy ourselves, these streaming services will become quite handy! The domination of streaming services is clear and they are increasingly becoming more and more popular. New content is consistently being posted therefore one can remain up to date with their favourite shows. The blog discusses price ranges which is useful for readers who may be considering purchasing these services. Very relevant read!

2)George Hosford’s blog on chess


How a Computer Plays Chess: an excerpt from "Playing Smart" | The ...

I found this blog to be an interesting read and also retains a clear, tidy format . It is very informative and interesting for all readers. The posts are clear with many links throughout which back up his posts quite nicely. Although chess would not be a passion of mine, it is still an interesting read.

3)Adam Swayne’s blog on soccer


Manchester United's Javier Hernandez is feeling the benefits of ...

This was an easy read for me as I share the same passion as Adam(and support the same team as him). I was quite intrigued to learn his views and opinions on his top five most promising teenage footballers in the world for example as life is all about freedom of speech,thus being the reason why I enjoyed this blog as much as I did. Format is clear and posts are labelled clearly.

4)Evan Scanlan’s blog on Everythingfwan


QUIZ: Season-opening Formula 1 Grand Prix winners | Off The Ball

I found this to be an interesting and well constructed blog. Although I am not a keen Formula 1 enthusiast, I retained my interest throughout as I felt it was quite gripping to read! I now recognize the excitement that comes with the sport. All posts and pages were clearly labelled and nicely presented. I like that it is his passion also as it enhances his expression that bit more. A fascinating read!

5)Teresa’s Covid-19 Diary


COVID-19: UK instructed to stay at home this weekend - Diabetes

I was particularly fascinated with Teresa’s intuitive approach as she opted to convey her message through a video which was to “Stay at home”. As I mentioned in my research to expand my blog, writing about something topical and relatable seemed to be advised in numerous places and Teresa took this approach by talking about THE most topical issue globally at this moment in time,this being the deadly coronavirus. Her use of color makes the blog stand out amongst others which is a big plus. A very gripping and relevant read.

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